Animal Registrations

Animal Registration 

Registration for all dogs form 10 December 2010, including on rural properties. There are exemption from registration requirements for bona fia working dogs (as defined in the Act, definition of what is a working dog)

  • Puppies must be registered by 12 weeks of age.
  • Desexed dogs are eligible for a discount on registration costs. Proof of desexing is required prior to fee registration being granted.
  • Registration forms are available from your nearst Customer Service Centre
  • Regstration forms are to be submitted, with payment, to yoru nearst Customer Service Centre where a tag will be provided.
  • Registration tags will contain a unquie registration number which will allow Council officers to contact you if your dog is picked up. No personal details will be contained on this tag to the public without your express permission.


  • All dogs under 12 weeks of age at 10 December 2010 must be microchipped by 12 weeks of age.
  • All dogs must be mircoshipped when sold or given away.
  • Mircochip numbers for under 12 weeks of age must be provided when registering your dog.
  • If your dog is alreay microchipped, this number should be provided on your registration form, so that your dog can be returned if it strays without a tag.
  • All declared regulated (menacing, dangerous or restricted) dogs as defined in the act are required to be microchipped.


  • If your dog is a declared dangerous or restricted breed, desexing is mandatory.
  • Discounts are available for desexed dogs. Proof of desexing (desexing certificate or letter from vet) is required prior to fee registration being granted.
  • If you do not have a certificate that your dog is desexed, contact your local vet to see if they are able to provide a letter confirming it has previously been desexed. Bringing your animal to Couunci is not proof that it has been desexed officers will not look at animals which are brought in.
  • Desexing of dogs is recommended because of the benifits to you animal's temperment, and the community.
  • Desexing of dogs also prevents accidents from occuring and reduces the number of unwanted dogs which cause nuisnace and have to be destroyed.

what is a working dog?

a. A dog usually kept or proposed to be kept-

   i. On rural land; and 

  ii. By owner who is a primary producerm, or a person engaged or employed by a primary producer; and 

iii.Primarily for the purpose of - 

    1. Droving, protecting, tending, or working stock or 

   2. Being trained in droving, protecting, tending or working stock and 

b. Does not include a class of dog prescribed under a regulation.

Wandering Pets

All amimals found wandering will be impounded, chargers for impoundment of wandering animals applies. It is responsiblilty of the animla's owner/s to ensure animals do not wander by ensuring adequate restraining measurers are in place.


The registration fees for the year are as follows:

  • Entire Dog: $60.00
  • Desexed Dog: $20.00
  • Desexed Dogs (Aged Pensioner Concession applies): $10.00
  • Declared Dangerous Dog: $1000.00
  • Menacing Dogs: $500.00

Direct Deposit is not accepted for payment of animal registrations 

Additional Animals

The number of dogs allowed to be kept on any property within the town area is two (2). Prior to having a new additional dog/s (more than 2) at your residence, you MUST submit an application to Council. An application fee of $150.00 is required when submitting the form. The application is subject to approval.

Additional Animal Permit fees to keep more than two (2) dogs: -

  • Application for each additional animal: $150.00 non-refundable
  • Annual renewal of each additional animal: $120.00

Other Animal Permits (Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Goats) Check the Local Laws for requirements

You should check Council's Local Laws if you wish to keep these animals in the town area. If the Local Laws allow these animals to be kept in the town area an application must be made to Council. Permit Fees – 1 year $40.00.

Please note that the application will be assessed against Council's Local Laws. 

Registration and Microchipping

All dogs aged 12 weeks and over must be registered with Council.

Registering your dog helps Council reunite you with your pet if it is impounded, or to notify you in case of an accident. Registration fees also enable Council to deliver a wide range of animal management services such as the pound, dog patrols and community information about responsible pet ownership.

Council offers discounted registration for desexed dogs ($20.00). Proof of desexing is required, either by supplying a copy of the desexing certificate or a written letter from your vet.

Out and About with Your Dog

When out walking, dog owners should take a bag, trowel, pooper scooper or container to collect and dispose of their dog's droppings. Not only is it unpleasant and unhealthy not to pick up after your pet, it is also a breach of the Local Laws. 

Lost Pets 

If your pet is missing., check the latest listing of impounded pets on Council's website, Facebook page or contact Council by telephone. To release an animal from Council's pound you will be require to:

  • Provide officers with satisfactory prooof of your identity
  • Pay all impoundment fess owing Impoundment fees are calculated on a daily basis
  • Provide proof of current animal registration if applicable. If proof of registration is not provided, registration fees will be required to be paid in addition to impoundment fees. 

Animal Complaints

Pets are welcome in the Blackall-Tambo Region but, like all good residents, they must obey the rules. Pet owners must ensure their animals do not create a nuisance or hazard to others, as attacks can lead to serious penalties and restrictions. If you have been attacked or worried by a dog, contact Council immediately. This will enable officers to respond quickly to secure the offending dog, should it still be wandering at large. If you are having other problems with an animal – such as a wandering dog, excessive barking, a very noisy bird or excessive animals being kept on premises – Council encourages you to firstly speak with the animal’s keeper to make them aware of the problem. If your approach is not successful, you can report the problem to Council. Following investigations and reporting, Council will take appropriate action in accordance with the animal management local laws.

Barking Dog Fact Sheets

If you have any other questions regarding the keeping of animals in the town area, please do not hesitate to contact either of the Council Offices on 4621 6600.