Quartet of Councils collaborate on community calendar to help keep calm in a crisis

Four Councils in Queensland’s Central West have partnered to develop a calendar promoting disaster preparedness that will be distributed free of charge to residents and visitors.
The calendar was developed thanks to support from the Queensland Government’s Get Ready Queensland program, The Get Ready Queensland program is a year-round, all-hazards, resilience building initiative to help communities prepare for natural disasters. Barcaldine Regional Council, Barcoo Shire Council, Blackall-Tambo Regional Council, and Longreach Regional Council each put out the call for images to fill the calendar, with each council selecting three images submitted by their residents.
The calendar has been developed by Craig Neuendorf, who is employed by the combined councils as Regional Recovery and Resilience Coordinator, with assistance from colleagues at each council.
Images in the calendar represent the most common natural disaster events which occur in the Central West. The calendar contains information about flooding, severe storms, bushfires, and heatwaves. It also promotes resources for residents and visitors to prepare for these natural disaster events and the steps to take once the event has passed.
Mr Neuendorf says preparedness makes a big difference in times of disaster.
“Evidence shows us that communities are able to recover from natural disaster events more effectively when they’re fully prepared” he said. “This calendar is all about raising awareness of disasters relevant to our region, and how to prepare for them.”
The calendar will be forwarded by mail to all households, both urban and rural, in all four council areas. Copies will also be made available for visitors and tourists at Visitor Information Centres in the four areas.
For more information, tips and advice about ways to stay safe this severe weather season, visit getready.qld.gov.au.
Media Contact: Craig Neuendorf - 0428 967 989